Describe why your
company exists
[mission statement]

Explain what your company is working on and the value you provide to your customers.

Our story

Airvon: A
Decade of Tech
Excellence and

Having been around in the technology space for over a decade, with global footprints spanning across US, Middle East, Australia and UK, with 100 plus mobile and web application projects successfully completed and a robust application user base of over 5 million app users built by a well-equipped team of professionals, coupled with a proven track record evident in bagging of multiple awards and having forged successful partnerships with top-tier telecom companies; Airvon has had the perfect launching pad – its parent tech company, Khaleef Technologies, to board the technology services bandwagon.

Airvon prides itself on being a one-stop tech shop, offering a full spectrum of services, including UI/UX Design, Prototyping, MVP development, Bespoke software development, Enterprise solution development, Digital Marketing, and multi-cloud infrastructure management and optimization.

With this pre-existing competitive edge in the tech market, Airvon’s brilliant team of software developers got together to leverage their decade-long expertise in delivering seamless, innovative, tailor-made tech solutions to help companies mitigate their costs, scale up their businesses, solve their unique problems, accelerate their digital transformation and multiply the return on their technology investments!


Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies
0 +

Projects Completed

$ 0 M


0 %

Year on year growth

0 K


Our Values

Core Values: Client-
Centricity, Transparency,
and Initiative

Our Team


We're hiring!

Our team is growing fast and we’re always looking
for smart people.